Rally Info

NWCC is all about fellowship so we are hoping that we can enjoy our friends again this year while keeping us safe and healthy.

All that said, we may have to cancel rallies if we cannot work out a COVID safe rally or if we don’t get enough reservations. As always, cancellations due to illness at the last minute will be accommodated.

groupYou will find rally information for our upcoming rallies here. Information about each upcoming rally and a registration form for the rally are listed at the bottom of this page. Registration requirements vary with each rally due to RV Park requirements and the planned events. Detailed information is on each registration form.

Reservations for NWCCer Rallies must be made through our club for a variety of reasons. Your club has negotiated a discount with the park that is predicated upon reservations being handled through the club. This is normally an RV Park requirement, not a NWCCer policy.

DSC_8037The parks we work with try to accommodate us by parking us next to each other and by providing meeting space for us. Payment for your parking space is handled differently for each RV Park based upon their particular policy for club events. Please read the registration form carefully to be sure you understand how camping fees are handled for each rally.

In order to keep rally registration as uniform as possible and to keep track of registration fees all reservations are currently being sent to our club Treasurer who then informs the Rally Wagon Master.

If you have questions about a particular rally contact the Wagon Master listed in the current Newsletter.

DSC_5458As you can see from these recent photographs we enjoy our time together. Our rallies are open to all FMCA members on a space available basis (NWCCers have space priority). Friends in their RVs are also welcome even if they are not FMCA members as long as their RV meets the park minimum requirements.

Come join the fun! Plan on attending a NWCCers Rally soon!

See right sidebar for our current rally schedule.